Friday, January 3, 2020

Four Candidates for the Columbia Public School Board File

CMNEA members and the Columbia community enter into the 2020 election season with the CPS school board elections. Filing began Dec. 17, 2019 and will end January 21, 2020. These are the candidates who have filed so far:

  • Jonathan Sessions (Seeking re-election)              Image result for Jonathan Sessions

  • Christopher (Chris) Horn        

  • Helen Wade (Seeking re-election)     Image result for helen wade

  • David Seamon    Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, suit

Return soon to learn when CMNEA will host our screening AND our public forum, as well as posting responses from CPS school board candidates. Remember, you must register to vote or make your address changes by March 10th in order to vote in the April 7th elections.