Saturday, January 24, 2015

Learn About the Candidates!!

CMNEA PAC invited each school board candidate to our political process.  In order for CPS school board candidates to be considered for recommendation, candidates must respond to our questionnaire, and participate in both our candidate screening which is open to our membership and our school board forum which is open to the public.

All three candidates have agreed to participate in our process.  Below are the completed questionnaires by each candidate.  They are presented in the order in which they were submitted and their responses are unaltered in any way.  The notes from our candidate screening will be posted to this blog soon.  We will keep you updated on other events and information as the election weeks progress.

Christine King's Completed Questionnaire:

CMNEA School Board Candidate Survey Spring 2015
Name:    Christine King
Occupation:    Associate for two realtors, full time volunteer
Employer:    Tim and Nikki Kuchta, ReMax Boone Realty
Additional information which may be relevant to your candidacy?
First elected to the BOE in April 2009 – one of two candidates running in a field of 9, with no incumbents.  Served as Board VP April 2011- April 2013, and Board President April 2013 – present.  Served on all Board Committees and chaired most of the committees.  Was appointed by Dr. Rose to the Transportation/Start Times Committee.  Most recently helped lead and coordinate the Superintendent Search in February 2014 to replace Dr. Belcher.
Outside of the BOE, I am actively involved in Assistance League of Mid Missouri, Smithton Middle School PTSA (2013 – present, VP of Membership), and will serve as the Last Kewpie Standing (HHS) Co Chair for 2016.   Additionally, serve on the Columbia Youth Basketball Association Board and the Education Advisory Board for the United Way of Mid Missouri. 
Currently work as an associate for Tim and Nikki Kuchta, and scheduled for the Real Estate Class/Exam in March 2015. 
Co-Coach my daughter’s Competitive BBall Team (2012 – present – 3 seasons so far), and coached my son in basketball from 2007 – 2013, recreational and competitive. 
This year, working with CMCA on their fundraiser on February 7th which is called Lunafest. 
Prior to the above, I worked for State Farm Ins from 1988 – 2009, and was in a leadership capacity all but 4 years of my employment.  Served on various committees and projects, and lived in various cities in Ohio, then moved to Bloomington IL, and then to Columbia in September 1999. 
From September 2002 – August 2007, served on the Columbia Montessori School Board, (Board Chair 2003 – 07, Treasurer 2002-03). 
Married to Alan since 1996, two children Nicholas (10th – HHS) and Emily (7th – SMS).  Hobbies enjoy any type of exercise, outdoor activities, hanging with my family and friend.  Have run 6 half marathons, and numerous 10k and 5k races since graduation from College (Miami of Ohio – 1988).  My hometown is Westerville, OH. My mother is 81 and lives in NC near my only sister, Lisa, who is married with 3 daughters. 

     Briefly explain your reason(s) for running for the Columbia Public School Board of Education.

In my 6 years on the Board, my passion and commitment to lead the district in a way that is best for students, staff and community members, is evident.  My decision making and ability to analyze situations is an important trait to serving on a 7 member Board.  Being part of this team and peer group, that may or may not change from year to year, is exciting, challenging, intriguing and allows me to be part of a greater good – Public Education. 
My experience both on this Board, and prior Boards, has given me a greater understanding and appreciation of how 7 professional volunteers (no one is more important than the next) can come together and supervise the one person hired to carry out the mission of the Board of Education. Being a part of that is something that gives me a tremendous amount of pride.

2.        If elected to the board, what would be your priority objective?

As an incumbent, my objective is to continue the path of which we have begun with our Community, and then with Dr. Stiepleman.  My decision making and leading of the District needs to always focus on our three responsibilities as Board Members – Governance of the District, Financial Management of the Public Money/Budget, and the leading and evaluating of our one employee, the Superintendent. 

3.        What do you see as the critical issues currently facing the board?

There are several critical issues facing not only CPS, but public education in general.  Many of these issues are within our control, many are not.  For example, we as a district, have little if no control over the socioeconomic situation of a family.  However, the teaching strategies and materials we use to differentiate instruction to help ALL students is within our control. 
For CPS, since I was first elected to the Board, the critical issues facing our Board and District does have ups and downs, ebbs and flows.  But for all 6 years, the lack of consistency from the State and what is communicated we should get, may get and actually get in terms of funding.  This lack of consistency and shortfalls each year, play a factor on what we can and want to do, and how we move forward with programming and materials.  It is important for our Board and Administrative Team to continue to be thoughtful and intentional with the money we do have to hire the best staff, at the right time, and for the right position (Building, program, etc.). 

4.        What do you see as the role of the Board of Education member in relation to teachers and support staff?
The BOE has one employee, the Superintendent.  We owe it to our community, parents and all employees to hire the best and make sure our goals as a Board are carefully and consistently communicated to Dr. Stiepleman. This requires us to be open to all employees and community members, to listen and to provide information.  Myself along with my peers, have been all these things and more, not only to employees, but to community members and parents as well. 

5.        In 2015, Columbia, Missouri students in grades 3-12 will be administered a new assessment called “Smarter Balance.”  How can the district provide support to teachers in helping to understand and administer an online web based assessment to such a large student body without teachers “teaching to the test?”

As a BOE member, we are not experts in content or even what teachers do on a daily basis, nor should we be experts.  The District, through the leadership of Dr. Stiepleman should provide the support needed – whether it be training or PD, regarding strategies teachers may need in this area.  Certainly, our leaders should listen to what our staff may need to assist.  Obviously, from a physical stand point, we as the District need to ensure the physical abilities are there for the web based assessments and provided needed IT Support to all employees involved.  This Board also expects our leadership teams to be accessible and open to the needs of teachers depending on where they are in their understanding of the new assessments. 

6.        Early childhood educators have observed a trend in which social and developmentally appropriate activities that promote social and kinesthetic skills are being eliminated.  As a board member, should this development for children be a priority for our district?   Please explain your position.

At this time, I am unaware of what specific items you may be talking about as it relates to CPS.  Certainly, our educators, whether it be teachers of any subject or anyone else who is responsible for the education of students at any age, need to have a wide variety of tools to meet the ever changing needs of students.   Children learn differently and thus we need to have various activities and teach a variety of skills to help all children be successful. 

7.       Should funding, facilities, staff and training be a priority surrounding the issue of mental health?  Please explain your position.
There are several exciting things happening with the new Mental Health Tax that we are now beginning to talk about as a Board.  Certainly, the needs of our students dictate in many times what we need to provide staff.  Regarding Mental Health issues, as well as other health related issues that draw people to the services here in Columbia, it is important our staff is trained on the current services available to families.  

8.       Within the next few years, three elementary schools will be built, causing existing school boundaries to change and shift the demographics of schools to change as well.  How should the board address the issue of changing demographics within our community?  How should our board reach out and communicate the changing boundaries to the community and parents?
With the addition of our policy recently passed that addresses boundaries, we have begun thinking about these areas already.  First, we cannot change where people live, and we may not be able to alter demographics at a school based on where people live, but we need to provide equitable learning opportunities for all students, at all schools, at all grade levels.  We need to be very strategic in placing staff in the right buildings, providing resources and materials that allow teachers to impact student achievement.  As with anything at our district, communication is the key. We have some very useful tools now that we use regarding keeping parents informed.  Additionally we have a process in place for considering boundaries for any reason.   Certainly, it is important each time we go through boundary changes we critically analyze past performances and look for ways to improve. 

9.       What do you see as the role of Board of Education member in relation to patrons of the district?

The Board of Education is voted in by the Community, so it is imperative we listen and be available to our patrons.  In my 6 years, I have taken it upon myself to meet with patrons who email me about boundaries, late start, start times, secondary transition, and other reasons.  Currently, I have a follow up meeting scheduled with a community member that all stemmed from late start questions, and another meeting scheduled regarding the current boundary process.  It is vital for our community the individuals they select to represent them be accessible and open to listen to what they have to say. 

10.    In 2006, the salary steps for Columbia Public School educators were frozen due to a shortfall in funding from the state.  Surrounding school districts in comparative size to The Columbia School District have restored the frozen steps to their teaching staff.  If you were elected to the board, would you support the reinstatement of the remaining frozen step to those teachers who were affected?  How would you share your opinion to the teaching staff and the public?

As sitting Board President, and the person who represents the Board’s opinion on various matters, it is not appropriate at this time for me to state an opinion on this topic.  During the collective bargaining process, which we are at the beginning of the 3rd year, the District’s Bargaining team will be representing the interests of the Board, just as they have done so the past two years.  As you recall, the decision was agreed on in CB to restore a step last year, again, the District’s Team fully represented the collective opinions of the Board of Education.

11.   Technology is evolving quickly.  There are many computerized programs that state they help students learn or review basic reading and math skills.  Do you believe classroom time should be given towards students working on these programs?  If so, what results would you look for in deciding if these programs remain in the classroom and classroom time should be given to these programs?

In general, technology is becoming an ever increasing element to our student’s learning environment.  We need to make sure and choose programs (whether it be web based or not) and delivery methods that fit the needs of the class, subject and student’s needs.  With any change of delivery method, professional development/training needs to be strategic to ensure all of our staff are ready to use said method. 

Darin Preis' Completed Questionnaire:

Name:  Darin Preis 
Occupation:    Non-profit Executive Director
Employer:    Central Missouri Community Action
Additional information which may be relevant to your candidacy?

I served on the CPS board from 2005-08 and then again starting in 2012 to present.  I am currently the Vice Chair of the Missouri Foundation for Health Board of Directors.  My son is a 7th grader at Gentry and my wife works for the MO Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education.

1.        Briefly explain your reason(s) for running for the Columbia Public School Board of Education.

Both of my parents were teachers.  My mother taught 3rd grade and my dad was a high school math teacher, Department Chair, and a high school Assistant Principal.  It is important for me to point this out because my most persistent memory of my childhood is the care, time, preparation, and emotion that went into their work.  I have a deep appreciation for the work that teachers do.  With that appreciation, my career has exposed me to the realities of poverty and I very quickly realized that education is the key to both individual success and the long term sustainability of our country’s prosperity.  I am running for the school board because I am passionate about the interconnectedness of education, health, and economic stability.  I have committed my professional and personal time and energy to helping to improve these variables.

2.        If elected to the board, what would be your priority objective?

Students will be successful when we focus on Achievement (offer good curriculum, support great teachers, embed literacy in everything), enrichment (human success is not always academic success but incorporates a variety of experiences that support growth and development), and opportunity (access to enrichment and academic performance – remove barriers).  I am proud to have served on the board when we made the decision to hire Dr. Stiepleman.   The Board has high expectations for the Superintendent to lead the district’s success.  My priority objective is to look for opportunities to support student success and to consistently represent my conviction that great teachers make great schools and successful students.

3.        What do you see as the critical issues currently facing the board?

Growth, growth, growth.  This community is feeling growing pains.  We have an excellent ten year plan for adding new schools and we have to continue to balance that newness, growing budget constraints, and the necessary support for teachers and staff to be effective in this environment.

4.        What do you see as the role of the Board of Education member in relation to teachers and support staff?

We should listen to input, be willing to learn, maintain impartiality, and consider at all times the success of our students.

5.        In 2015, Columbia, Missouri students in grades 3-12 will be administered a new assessment called “Smarter Balance.”  How can the district provide support to teachers in helping to understand and administer an online web based assessment to such a large student body without teachers “teaching to the test?”

Common core shifts focus from learning facts and figures to the processing of information, challenging assumptions, considering the contextual application of knowledge, etc.  When considering these outcomes, it is ok to “teach to the test”.  The district should offer quality curriculum and the resources and training necessary for teachers to consistently apply this curriculum to all kinds of different students.

6.        Early childhood educators have observed a trend in which social and developmentally appropriate activities that promote social and kinesthetic skills are being eliminated.  As a board member, should this development for children be a priority for our district?   Please explain your position.

In my role with Central Missouri Community Action and throughout my career I have focused on early childhood issues.  I believe that true school readiness includes a wide variety of social-emotional, physical, and developmentally appropriate practices.  I have not witnessed a decline in these activities at CPS.  In fact, CPS is expanding its early childhood best practices through community partnerships, an early learning center, and a growing number of young children served in preschool environments.

7.       Should funding, facilities, staff and training be a priority surrounding the issue of mental health?  Please explain your position.

Yes.  I regularly hear that behavioral, disciplinary, and mental health issues are on the rise and increasingly disrupt classroom management.  In Boone County, I worked on the campaign to create a sales tax dedicated to students’ mental health.  That funding source is now in place and I support the countywide school district partnerships that have formed to create resources for families.  Some of these resources should also be used to provide training and support for teachers to use in their classrooms.  We should rely heavily on these external resources as there are already many competing demands on district resources.

8.       Within the next few years, three elementary schools will be built, causing existing school boundaries to change and shift the demographics of schools to change as well.  How should the board address the issue of changing demographics within our community?  How should our board reach out and communicate the changing boundaries to the community and parents?  

The rising percentage of students receiving Free and Reduced Lunch is both a reflection of Columbia’s growth and a significant source of concern for me.  I support broad partnerships with community-based organizations that provide resources to CPS students and families.  I also support internal strategies that expand achievement, enhancement, and opportunities for students.  Examples include Bright Futures, AVID, restorative practices, and training for cultural diversity and Teaching with Poverty in Mind.  As it relates to boundaries, I think it makes sense to seek a balance between demographics and geography.  Neither should be sacrificed for the other when common sense options are available however.  It is critically important that boundary selection committees are transparent, provide multiple opportunities for public comment, and apply public feedback as appropriate.  Once boundaries are established for new schools we need to do our best to secure them to minimize further disruption.  Still, it is important to regularly reflect on these boundaries to account for growth, classroom size and makeup, and optimal school environments. 

9.       What do you see as the role of Board of Education member in relation to patrons of the district?

Board of Education members need to represent the school district to build and maintain ongoing support, trust, and confidence.  I believe that we should be honest and transparent about our circumstances, strengths, and weaknesses.  We should listen to feedback, be willing to learn, maintain impartiality, and consider at all times the success of our students.

10.    In 2006, the salary steps for Columbia Public School educators were frozen due to a shortfall in funding from the state.  Surrounding school districts in comparative size to The Columbia School District have restored the frozen steps to their teaching staff.  If you were elected to the board, would you support the reinstatement of the remaining frozen step to those teachers who were affected?  How would you share your opinion to the teaching staff and the public?

Yes. CMNEA conducted a survey of CPS teachers that indicated broad support for reinstating these steps and I respect that opinion.  It is particularly poignant when comparing the relative impact and preferences of various options for the use of budget growth.  I will share this opinion with anyone that asks and generally include a belief that teachers should be paid more in my talking points.  I would expect the opportunity to express this opinion to local media throughout the 2015 campaign.

11.   Technology is evolving quickly.  There are many computerized programs that state they help students learn or review basic reading and math skills.  Do you believe classroom time should be given towards students working on these programs?  If so, what results would you look for in deciding if these programs remain in the classroom and classroom time should be given to these programs?

Technology is an ever-expanding presence in our lives and I believe that it should be used in classrooms to support CPS curriculum and to reflect the various learning styles of students.  That said, I leave classroom management strategies to the people trained to best make these kinds of decisions; teachers.  Curriculum and support strategies should be determined by education experts, not board members.

Derek Wade's Completed Questionnaire:


Derek Wade

My response to CMNEA’s questionnaire.
1.       I have chosen to run for the board of education because I believe the education is one of the most important of a child’s, young adolescents and even adult’s life. As a member of the board I can help the district by bringing my experience and different perspective to aid in solving some of their biggest challenges.
2.       My priority is to make sure that the students come first in everything we do. Our purpose as teachers, district leaders, administrators and facilities personnel is to make our students time with us educational and safe.
3.       The number one critical issue with the district is growth. Columbia is a great city and a magnet for growth. We are in a perfect position to get ahead of it right now. We need to anticipate and be ready. Growth is inevitable and there is no reason we can’t be ahead of the curve.
4.       The board is responsible for the districts mission and oversight. It is our task to provide a safe and equitable place for all teacher and support staff. It is also our responsibility as educators to make sure that we are providing students with the best staff to meet their needs.
5.       I like to answer from an educated perspective. At this time I don’t know how much class time the assessments will take and I will need to determine what will be required to prepare the staff and students. I will be doing my homework.
6.       I am not sure what activities you are speaking of what is being eliminated and from what age groups. As a board member I am in favor of what is best for the student and developmental growth is always best.
7.       As a society we have seen a huge increase in students in need of mental health support. I believe that we do need to provide for every student’s needs, however, we need to share in the expense with appropriate federal and state agencies. We can’t go it alone when our mission is to educate.
8.       I think our board has done a very good job of providing open forums and placing boundary maps in school lobbies.  To create a diverse learning environment in every school is admirable; I don’t think it is always possible. I believe that a child’s neighborhood school is as important as its diversity but it can’t always be accomplished.
9.       I believe the board’s responsibility is to the district and it must answer to the students and staff. I appreciate any assistance the Patrons of our city can provide.
10.   I am not well versed on the subject of frozen steps so I can only say that it will require further study before I can form an opinion.
11.   When I look to technology I am keeping the student’s achievement in mind. If any program adds  to our student’s achievement that I will support it.

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