Sunday, November 27, 2016

Our NEW Missouri Elected Officials


We worked hard to elect those who will fully support public education. Many will say that we fell short of our goal. Others will say that the results are exactly what Missouri needs now. If you believe the statements or not, this is the result of what we ALL hold dear, the election process. It is the most valued process that we have in our democratic system. I personally will always fight for the right for every citizen of legal age to vote. It is how we share our views and have our voice be heard. I will also vow to always encourage every citizen to exercise his/her right to vote in every election. Without that, then we are misrepresented.

I must also confess a bit here. It has taken me awhile to post what the Missouri election results look like because of my concern for public education. Many elected have vowed to support public funding going towards private education. Our public educational system relies on property taxes, and many elected have the view that all taxes are bad for Missouri.

This means that as members of Columbia Missouri National Education Association, we must not stop our dialogue with our elected officials. We must continue to meet with our Representatives, Senators and school board members. We must share our stories because they are the voices of our students- who need proper funding for excellent public schools. Without our voices, our students will not be heard. Missouri families will not be heard. Our communities will not be heard. I hope you join me in continuing to speak up and advocate.

Here are our new elected Missouri Officials:

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