Sunday, February 15, 2015

Reps. Kendrick and Webber Say "NO" to Right-To-Work Bill

Missouri House gives final approval to ‘right-to-work’ bill

JEFFERSON CITY (AP) — A statewide right-to-work measure passed in the Missouri House Thursday, potentially setting the stage for an intense fight in the Senate, where one Democrat who’s a retired union member said she would “fall on her sword” to block it.
The measure, approved 91-64 with two members present but not voting, would bar unions statewide from collecting fees from non-members. Final passage, after an initial vote in support on Wednesday, marks a political victory for GOP supporters who had failed to gain the needed constitutional majority last session for approval.
House Speaker John Diehl said it was a historic vote and that even if Missouri didn’t become a right-to-work state this year, it was “inevitable” and the issue would keep coming up until it does pass.
But getting it to the desk of Gov. Jay Nixon, a Democrat who has said he opposes right-to-work, might be a challenge.
Sen. Gina Walsh, D-Bellefontaine Neighbors, would not say whether she would filibuster but noted that, as a retired union member, she strongly opposes the measure.
“I would absolutely fight that bill. It’s one of my core values and beliefs,” Walsh said. “To me, that’s a bill that I’m willing to fall on my sword for.”
But Republican Senate leaders have not made right-to-work a priority in the past. Senate President Pro Tem Tom Dempsey said last year that sending right-to-work to the ballot and bypassing Nixon was the only way for it to become law. Earlier this session, Dempsey said his position hasn't changed but that the Senate will consider any measure passed by the House.
In Columbia’s House delegation, Republicans Caleb Jones and Caleb Rowden voted for the measure while Democrats Kip Kendrick and Stephen Webber voted “no.”
The measure is short of the 109 votes needed in the House to override an anticipated Nixon veto, although one business lobbyist said Wednesday it might be possible to gather enough support.
“There’s a long time between now and a veto override vote,” said Jay Atkins, a Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry lobbyist.
The arguments over right-to-work legislation center on economic impact and fairness. Supporters say it will make the state more competitive in attracting businesses, and opponents say it will lower wages and weaken the middle class.

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